Hall County Fair

This project started with the understanding that we would update the site for the 2022 fair. After the fair was over, we would then make plans to redesign and develop a new site. However, the site was in such a bad state that it was easier to just start over. The main issue was the server and platform the site was hosted on It was not maintained properly, it was slow and would crash, resulting in no site access for a couple of hours. Along with poor site structure, or SEO and a platform we couldn't update to today's standards, there was only one choice. Start over now. So we did, and we created a website with a familiar look that was fast, mobile friendly, and much more. Now that the fair is over we will start planning for next year. We have a number of ideas to provide more and better information about the fair, and FAQ, Online registration and more.
Main Issues
- Site Load Speed
- Poor SEO
- Navigation
- Server Age
- Security
Project Goals
- Start Over
- Explore Needs
Key Website Functions
- Online Sign-ups
- Online Payments
Website Before

Website After